3 ways to weaken the reasons to stop coaching

3 ways to weaken the reasons to stop coaching

In last week’s wildly popular blog post, we looked at strengthening the reasons persevere with your coaching endeavors, with the main theme being all about motivation. As I alluded to in my last piece, this post is all about convincing you to stay the course and...
4 key ingredients to any successful coaching process

4 key ingredients to any successful coaching process

An essential part of any coaching system is the ongoing execution of the coaching strategy. The coaching strategy, described in an earlier post, outlines values, objectives, and standards for coaching. It also undertakes an assessment where coaching currently stands...
Want to increase employee and customer engagement?

Want to increase employee and customer engagement?

Let’s play a game! Can you think of an activity that an organization can do to increase both employee and customer engagement simultaneously? Give up? It’s coaching! When you coach effectively, not only are you increasing customer engagement because the employee will...